Download Game Guardian Crusade Ps1

It's more than just the cartoony polygonal graphics that make Activision's Guardian's Crusade an attention-grabbing RPG. For starters, the game-called Knight & Baby in Japan--is the first RPG developed by Tamsoft, who's best known for creating the Toshinden fighters. And then there's its blatant borrowing of several flavor-of-the-moment game concepts, including all the things that Pokemon and Monster Rancher did first (see the sidebar for more on the game's hybrid flair).

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Download Game Guardian Crusade Ps1Download game guardian crusade ps1 games's game information and ROM (ISO) download page for Guardian's Crusade (Sony Playstation).

Right near the quest's outset, your armor-clad hero stumbles on a baby critter--named, appropriately enough, Baby-who clutches to your side like a doe-eyed puppy. Your goal for the rest of this 35- to 40-hour adventure is to return Baby to its momma, along the way discovering a s. few secrets about the little guy. Lucky for you, Baby's got teeth. He'll fight alongside you in battle and gain strength and skills, HI such as the ability to fly, throughout the game. And while you don't run across any other characters who join your party, you will uncover a vast army of tiny helpers, called Living Toys, who you summon from your pocket to join the fray.Guardian's Crusade is a traditional RPG, with turn-based battles, a massive overworld and lots of miniquests.

It also features about 15 minutes of rendered, appropriately cartoony cutscenes. But don't let the cutesy visuals lead you to think the game's pure kid's stuff. With its huge variety of Living Toy helpers, the game packs a surprising amount of strategy.

Baby Killer

Granting the game its Tamagotchi twist is Baby, your pink, sickeningly cute, vaguely hippo-like sidekick and ward. Like any digital pet, Baby reguires nurturing throughout the adventure. You can feed him to make him happy and healthy, as well as send him off to fetch things on the overworld map. If you like what he finds-which can be anything from money to armor-you can praise him. If Baby fetches a worthless item or weapon, you should scold him instead, or else he'll always bring you crap items. Scold him too often, however, and the little guy just might bite you.

Baby is also your compadre in battle. As he gains experience, he'll learn to morph into 14 different characters, each with unigue attacks.

Download Game Guardian Crusade Ps1 Download

Overall rating: 6.5