Ps2 Dualshock 2 Controller Driver Download

Jan 26, 2010 - Play on your PC with your Xbox 360, PS3, or PS2 controller--and other game devices. DualShock 3 gamepads for Windows XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit). Drivers included on a disc or for download, and they'll be usable. @edmaul69 said in DualShock 2 - getting it to work: @Jofo @mediamogul i believe all of the ps2 adapters except for the radio shack adapter register as 2 players. And the useable player is usually the second player. Buy a 2 player adapter is the best thing. Sony's Clever but Flawed PlayStation Copy Protection--And How They Might Have Fixed It - Duration: 14:15. Technology Connections 2,747,069 views.

Ps2 Dualshock 2 Controller Driver Download Windows 7


Ps2 Dualshock 2 Controller

not quite sure where to put this... so here goes.
Ok a while ago i asked for a ps2 to pc adapter in the form of a multi game controller adaptor... i was recommended to get
the thing is, it doesn't work out of the box, and it needs a driver i believe, but the driver disc it gives me says there is 'malware' on it and wont give me a detailed description of it.
if anyone here is abled to the link below is an image file of the disc, i was not able to pull the files off of disc itself but i could make a backup of the disc...
can anyone tell me what malware it is, if its a false positive, or if its just something that could be used in conjunction with real malware to make your life hell...
it sounds like something that will auto install the drivers at least from the crappy description windows gives me, but i want to be sure.